Sunday, September 2, 2007

Table Rules For Little Folks

"Table Rules For Little Folks"
Eliza R Snow Smith

In silence I must take my seat,
And give God thanks, before I eat
Must for my food, in silence wait
Till I am asked to hand my plate.
I must not scold, nor whine, nor pout,
Nor move my chair or plate about.
With knife, or fork or anything,
I must not play, nor must I sing.

I must not speak a useless word
For children should be seen – not heard.
I must not say, "the bread is old" –
"The meat is hot" – "the milk is cold."
I must not cry for this, or that,
Nor murmur if my meat is fat;
My mouth with food I must not crowd,
Nor while I’m eating, speak aloud.

The table-cloth I must not spoil,
Nor with my food my fingers soil –
Must keep my seat, when I have done,
Nor round the table sport or run;
When told to rise, then I must put
My chair away, with noiseless foot,
And lift my heart to God above,
In praise for all his wondrous love.

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